High School & Middle School
Athletic Registration
~Click the icon below to begin~
Online Registration
Required by every athlete for each sport before being eligible to participate in practice/tryouts. You can save time by registering for sports for all 3 seasons at one time.
Physical Examination
Athletes must have a current physical examination (signed by a physician) on file in the Athletic office before being eligible to participate in practice/tryouts. Completed physicals may be uploaded during online registration. Physicals are valid for 2 years from the date of the last exam. If a physical was sumbitted last year, it will automatically roll over.
Athletic Fees
All athletic fees are due prior to the first competition and can be paid in the main office of the respective school.
NOTE: Athletes who qualify for free and reduced meals also qualify for free or reduced athletic fees by submitting the completed “SHARING INFORMATION WITH OTHER PROGRAMS” Form.
If you have questions or need assistance with the registration, please address it to:
Sarah Hansen - High School Athletics
Phone: 715-635-2171 Ext. 4003
Email: hansens@spooner.k12.wi.us
Sara Sanders - Middle School Athletics
Phone: 715-635-2173 Ext. 2151
Email: sanderss@spooner.k12.wi.us